Better and more profitable media

By Blanca de Lizaur, PhD, MA, BA, Content specialist.


Redimensionador de tamaño de fuente


Redimensionador de tamaño de fuente

La caída o fin del Racionalismo

La revolución de los medios de comunicación
Multimedia For audiences For everybody Videos

The new-media revolution shows glimpses of THE NEW CONFRONTATION: That of MENTALITIES

This video gives way to multiple interpretations. What few people would comment on, however, is its gnostic origin. Signals are all around it: From the word Prometheus to the eye in the triangle; to the astounding initial statement that every human being is a god, and that through the internet he/she will become omnipresent, omnisapient (will know everything and all of us), and allmighty…
This kind of signals is key to decoding its message efficiently, and to take a knowing and responsible stance in regards to the phenomena we are living.