Better and more profitable media

By Blanca de Lizaur, PhD, MA, BA, Content specialist.


Redimensionador de tamaño de fuente


Redimensionador de tamaño de fuente

Cambio de Paradigma

© Prudencio Alvarez
Specialized For everybody Para:

MARGINALIZED LITERATURE, a new vision of an everlasting cultural issue

This article was our first project on literary theory (or “poetics”), regarding works produced for popular, mass consumption. It explains how they are characterized by the repetitive and codified use of certain narrative schemas with which the audience is already familiar, and provides examples taken primarily from the telenovela industry.

It was published long before Hawkin’s “memes” (contagious, imitated ideas) became habitual amongst Communications people, and it does not only refer to them, but to the many various elements Literary scholars have analyzed as narrative building blocks in cultures all around the world, for centuries without end.

La revolución de los medios de comunicación
Multimedia For audiences For everybody Videos

The new-media revolution shows glimpses of THE NEW CONFRONTATION: That of MENTALITIES

This video gives way to multiple interpretations. What few people would comment on, however, is its gnostic origin. Signals are all around it: From the word Prometheus to the eye in the triangle; to the astounding initial statement that every human being is a god, and that through the internet he/she will become omnipresent, omnisapient (will know everything and all of us), and allmighty…
This kind of signals is key to decoding its message efficiently, and to take a knowing and responsible stance in regards to the phenomena we are living.